Warrick Controls
- Liquid Level Controllers
- Fittings and Electrodes
- Panels, Alarms, and Kits
- Complete Boiler LWCO Controls
- Mechanical Tilt Level Sensors
Single Point Level Switches
- Float Type with Magnetic Reed Switches
- Electro-optic Switches
- Capacitive Switches
- Non-instrusive Switches
- Water-in-fuel Sensors
Level Transmitters
- Float Level Transmitters
- Ultrasonic Transmitters
- Potentiometric Sensors
- Magnetostrictive Transmitters
Multi Point Level Switches
- Float Type with Magnetic Reed Switches
- Ultrasonic Switches
Pressure Transducers
- OEM / General Purpose
- Fuel Pressure Sensors
- 6700 Series 5:1 Turndown
Visual Level Indicators
- SureSite Visual Level Indicators
- DIPTAPE Oil Level Indicators
- Receivers
Gems liquid level sensors and switches provide high-reliability monitoring and detection of a wide range of fluid media. Requirements can range anywhere from the sensing of cooking oil, to hydraulic fluids, to diesel fuel tanks (gas level indicator), to water and wastewater, to biohazards, to even deionized or potable water.
To effectively address such a wide variety of measurement challenges, Gems offers a broad range of contact, non-contact, and non-intrusive liquid level sensors and switches. These are available in multiple technology types, including magnetic reed switch-based floats, solid-state electro-optical, conductivity, capacitive, ultrasonic, and piezo-resonant. Multiple liquid level sensing technologies may also be incorporated within a single application. Sometimes, more than one solution may also exist, with the ultimate decision simply a matter of customer preference.
Standard catalog products for liquid level sensing include single point level switches, continuous level transmitters, multi-point level switches, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) pressure transducers, coolant level sensors, and visual level indicators. Detailed specifications on these and other liquid level sensors and switches may be found in the links below.
Most Gems standard catalog products can be easily modified with alternate connectors and housings. Or, a custom solution can also be developed, many times delivered in OEM volumes with shorter lead times than most industry off-the-shelf solutions.