From Hauck Burner & Kromschroder
BVA Butterfly Valves
Combustion Control Accessories Automatic Shut-off Valves (ASOV)
Combustion Control Accessories Ball Valves (BV)
Combustion Control Accessories Manual Reset Shut-off Valves (MSOV)
Combustion Control Accessories Oil Pressure Relief Valves (OPRV)
Combustion Controls Accessories Automatic Normally Open Valves (ANOV)
LVG Series Gas Limiting Orifice Valve
MCOV Micro-Cam Oil Valves
MOV Self-Cleaning Micro Oil Valves
PGM Prepiped Gas Manifold
PLPM Prepiped Liquid Propane Manifold
POM/POM(H) Prepiped Oil Manifolds and (H) Heavy Oil Versions
PVS Adjustable Port Valves
RGM - Regulator Gas Manifold
FVA-FVS Adjustable Flow Valves for Clean Gas and Air
Valvario - Modular Solenoid Valves
WBV-H Wafer Butterfly Valves - Hot Air
BVA Butterfly Valves
Combustion Control Accessories Automatic Shut-off Valves (ASOV)
Combustion Control Accessories Ball Valves (BV)
Combustion Control Accessories Manual Reset Shut-off Valves (MSOV)
Combustion Control Accessories Oil Pressure Relief Valves (OPRV)
Combustion Controls Accessories Automatic Normally Open Valves (ANOV)
LVG Series Gas Limiting Orifice Valve
MCOV Micro-Cam Oil Valves
MOV Self-Cleaning Micro Oil Valves
PGM Prepiped Gas Manifold
PLPM Prepiped Liquid Propane Manifold
POM/POM(H) Prepiped Oil Manifolds and (H) Heavy Oil Versions
PVS Adjustable Port Valves
RGM - Regulator Gas Manifold
FVA-FVS Adjustable Flow Valves for Clean Gas and Air
Valvario - Modular Solenoid Valves
WBV-H Wafer Butterfly Valves - Hot Air